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In the heart of the Amazon
Maloca Viva is located in Alter do Chão, Pará

The nearest airport to Maloca Viva is in Santarém, Pará. From there it is only a 30 minute drive to get to us. There are plenty of taxis, as well as public transportation.


The airlines Gol, TAM, Azul and Map offer daily flights from Brasília (only TAM), Manaus and Belém to Santarém. These capital cities have direct flights arriving from the main cities in Brazil.


Maloca Viva is located by the beginning of Caranazal community, before arriving in Alter do Chão. Just mention it to the driver (be careful not to go to the Caranazal neighborhood in Santarém) and look for a small wooden bridge at the right side of the road, as well as a gate with the Maloca Viva sign. If you arrive at the speed bumps of the Caranazal community and the little bars and houses, turn around because you have passed it.

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